Sunday, April 14, 2013

A Little Burial and a Big Piece of Haven, and a Visit from the Past

Getting near the end of the stay with the Habers, getting ready to go, though sad too.

In the morning, my old friend from high school, my BFF Rona, came over to visit with her husband and her granddaughter.    Henry was a perfect little gentleman, and it went really well.  hadn't seen Rona in about 6 years or so, but it was comfortable and very enjoyable.    Felt good to see her.

Later, Jay took me out to dinner for my birthday.  Dan stayed around the house, and later told us that as he was sitting on the couch, Henry started burying him with everything he could find----books, blankets, pillows, magazines--everything.   Then Dan buried Henry, and they had a good time.

Jay took me to Haven, and it's fabulous!  Really a special place.   Started with bone marrow, which Jay made me try, and it was delicious, just luscious.   Had an asparagus salad and it was also sublime.  i don't usually like asparagus, but it was delicious.   Plus, the best of all, homemade Parker House rolls.    For main courses,
Jay had goat (?), which he said was delicious.  i tried a tiny taste, not that brave!  i had duck, which was also delicious.   We didn't have dessert, but they gave us a little taste of sorbet with merangue chips. 

what a wonderful meal.   Oh, the drinks were fab.  I had a negretti, which was barreled.  That means they make the cocktail then put it in a barrel and age it for a week.   truly unique.  a wonderful birthday dinner with a great son.

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