Drove on to Colliouere, a similar town in France that our friend, Katheen recommended. A similar story, simply too crowded, but charming as all get out! Ended up having lunch Argeles Sur Mer, which is definitely off the beaten path! Each of us had a "galette", which is basically a crepe, very good. interesting little place, the women next to us started talking to us so I got to practice my French. Not too bad, but pretty rusty. Still, fun to take the risk.
Drove a long way to our little town, back in Spain in the Pyrenees on the border. Interesting place!
Very rustic, very remote. don't know if I can stay here a whole week, we have to drive everywhere and it may take a while. still, it has it's charms. We walked into the nearby town and there was a little concert going on with the men, women and children in it singing I believe in Catalan, wearing the red Catalan caps. Very nice moment.
Came back to our room and hotel, very rustic but quiet. Very rustic, it was once a barn. Well, I have already slept in a barn in Sweden, Per, if you are reading this, take note! Had dinner here. We will apparently be the only ones staying here next week, as the Easter crowds will be gone, so we have to let Maria Theresa, the cook and hostess, know about meals. She will make whatever for us. We ordered our breakfast tomorrow, eggs, bacon, coffee. She will basically be our personal chef! Her husband and son work here too and we spent dinner time with her trying to explain the menu to us in her broken English. The son and husband came over too to confer. Ordering the meal took about 20 minutes but was quite amusing. I think this stay will be very interesting!
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