Thursday, April 7, 2011

from the Lower East Side to the Upper West

Met Hillary and Ken at Katz's deli for lunch.  They were on their way to see The Tenement Museum.(Tenement Museum)   Now this is worth looking up, it is a fascinating museum where you tour an actual tenement where immigrants would live.  I have been to it before, and am really not feeling well, so I didn't go back with them, but said good-bye to them at lunch.  Dan joined us later as he was done for the day.  We were disappointed in the lunch, it doesn't hold a candle to Zingerman's in Ann Arbor!
We said our good-byes, and Dan also went back to the room to do paperwork.   I had the afternoon to myself.  
I was on my way to meet a new friend, Marie, for a drink at the Boathouse, which is in Central Park.   Took my time getting there, stopping at Bloomingdale's and Henri Bendel's to do a little shopping.   I love Henri Bendel's, it is really a unique store.   Ritzy, but fun and laid out well.
Walked through the park to meet Marie, and on the way, discovered the Central Park Zoo!  There was a show going on, with seals.   It was delightful and I stopped and watched.  Unfortunately, i was also trying to call my doctor's office to get some meds sent to the Brooklyn RiteAid, but alas, they wouldn't do it without seeing me, suggested i go to Urgent Care.  (oh, what a thought---in the middle of Brooklyn!)
Anyway, I met Marie for a drink, which was fun.   The Boathouse is a beautiful spot.  
I didn't stay long, as i really didn't feel well, and had had a full day.
Went back to the hotel, where there was a group up in the "Concierge Suite" for Dan's work group.  met some people, but i really wasn't in it.    Ended up going to dinner with another couple, who wanted to tag along with us to eat at Junior's.   This is a great place, nearby and very casual, but famous for it's cheesecake.  Everything was good!  I had a wedge of lettuce, my very favorite thing, and a piece of Dan's fried chicken, excellent.
Went back gladly to take it easy.  You will be noting i have NOT been able to take it easy!  

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