Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Le Petit Chapeau Rouge


Our last day here, getting ready to leave. 
Our hostess Carol, Pat, Dan and Puppeteer Mathias Kuschta
It's been great to get to know Carol, and to meet her husband, Bruno, as well as Mathias Kuschta, a Puppeteer from Germany whose career Carol manages.  We've been included in dinners with them, and went to see Mathias perform today at community theater.

Mathias and the Big Bad Wolf and Pat

In the afternoon, we saw Mathias's performance, of "Le Petit Chapeau Rouge", which, if you haven't figured it out, is Little Red Riding Hood.  It was delightful!  Mathias is very talented.  The puppets are almost lifesize, and he really gets into the story.  The kids were yelling for our heroine to not go into the house, they were completely mezmerized by the play.   Very enjoyable!

Earlier, we went to a market in a nearby town, Creon.   It was another really great market, crowded and lively, with all sorts of booths.
We went home afterwards, only to discover that Dan had lost his phone.

Find my phone map
Without panicking, he used the "find my Iphone" app on the Ipad, and it worked. We  found the location of the phone. It was near the location of the market. The app locates it on a map. This picture shows what we had to work with. We waited for Carol to come home, then got in the car with her as she had some idea where the location was, and speaks the language.  We got to the general area, but couldn't figure out exactly where the house was.  We drove back and forth, all of us using our sleuthing abilities as best we could, and we were beginning to get frustrated.  We pulled the car over at one point to reassess the satellite picture, and who should drive up but a postman.
We all had the same idea at the same time, to ask him!   He stopped his car, and came over to help us, cheerfully.    Well, he told us he had just delivered mail to a house that had a sign on it that said, "Iphone found", in English!  We immediately drove over there, and found the nice woman who had found the phone and had smartly written the message. Quite the adventure! The app worked.  This is a good example of how friendly and helpful people can be.  We did find that throughout Spain and France.

Later that night, we went to St. Emilion's, walked around, and then had a wonderful dinner.     It's been a really good trip.

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