Saturday, February 1, 2014

The Mellow Yellow Car and the Big Red U

Our Mellow Yellow
I haven't mentioned our car yet, other than to mention the staff from Enterprise.   We have a bright yellow Spark, which although is the safest of the sub compacts, is indeed a sub compact.   We were concerned that we couldn't get all our luggage in, but we did manage.   Here is our mellow yellow.

Isaac had a birthday party, so we relaxed in the morning, watching the Olympics, and catching up on rest.     When he came over, we had fun.  I brought some materials for making a pop up card, but of course, he did his own thing.  Somehow, the pop up card morphed into making a huge dragon out of 6 sheets of paper, with very involved dragon parts cut out of different colors of paper. This then, morphed into a sign to bring to the Utes basketball game that night, with red "U's" strategically placed at various parts in the picture parts.
Isaac's first new tooth!

We also played with an app called "Hollywood Camera", which he loves.  For those of you grandparents, it's a really funny app.  Here are some examples:

Later that night, we went to the Utes basketball game.  Isaac, at age 6, is at a great age to take to a college basketball game.  He did make signs,( though thankfully not the involved one he was working on )  hoping the camera would focus on us.   (It didn't)
break dancing in front of the Dots
He especially was spellbound by the Breakdancing Girls, as he is taking breakdancing and loves it!    He also loves the Dippin Dots, I mean really loves them.     he even named them.

Such a short trip, but we'll see him on the other end of it.  

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