Monday, April 21, 2014

The repetition of the Catalan dance and the charms of the area

We are finding this area quite entertaining, though we can be easily amused, I admit. We didn't have an agenda today, for one thing, it is Easter Monday and nothing is open. So, we took a few walks and a few drives.
We saw a mare in a pen with her little colt, walked over to see--respectfully, since Mama horse was quite protective.   The little foal was barely able to stand up he was so new, and we found out that indeed, he was one day old!  So cute to see him wobbling his way to mama to nurse, learning how or run after her, though not quite running yet.

Took a drive later to find "Le Gare Jaune"" the yellow train, which is supposed to be a very old train that goes between a few towns through mountain passes.    It had intrigued us and we wanted to do it, but after going to 2 towns to find out about it, and not finding out much, decided to give it a pass. It would take an entire day, and we have already driven through much of the route. It is spectacular, but a whole day on a  small train.......

Came back to the room to plan the rest of the week. We will leave here earlier, on Thursday so we can spend time in Carcasonne and some other areas of southeast France.   Also decided to go to St. Girons tomorrow as well as the town of Foix, will be an all day trip.  This is where "le Chemin de Liberte" began and there is a museum there.  This is one of the trails through the Pyrenees that brought Jews and other refuges to safety during WWII.

Later, went to a village festival, or even a regional festival.  It was outside near a grotto that we had to walk to and consisted of many groups of children through young adults doing a traditional Catalan dance.  It was the same dance over and over!

 But, charming to see the traditional costume and all the Catalan faces, really a beautiful people. I believe we were the only people there who were not Catalan. It rained throughout the performance so the crowd and the dancers were all wet. This was not your normal tourist activity.  

The other charm we have found is the hostess/cook here, named marie Therese, who wants to be called Tess. She is a hard working woman and a great cook.  She is our personal chef this week, as we are now the only guests in the hotel.  Tonight's dinner will be roast chicken.  

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