Tuesday, March 4, 2014

A Celebratory Sunday and A Phat Wet Non-Stop Monday That had Mixed Reviews

We drove to Jay and Lindsey's today, so eager to see them and Henry.   It was for the celebration of her parents 70th, as both of them have birthdays within a couple of weeks of each other.    We were also going to watch the Oscars.   It was fun at the celebration, and Henry enjoyed the ribbons and decorations on the gifts.  Had a nice dinner, and watched some of the Oscars, which was really fun for me and Jay and Lindsey.   We left early, as Henry really needed to get to sleep, and the show was going to go on forever!  Still, a pleasure to watch it on Pacific Time, as it goes so late!

Well, it's still raining.  No pickleball, no sun.   We aren't complaining too much, it's not snow and it's not below zero.  But, we are getting tired of the rain, and also anxious about getting ready to leave.

We drove to Mill Valley as I had to return something to the Eileen Fisher store there.  It's always an enjoyable town, with very classy shops!   The rest of Marin County is actually pretty casual and low key, but Mill Valley is the ritzy one.   Except for one restaurant we stumbled into a few years ago, Phatbuger!    It is indeed, the most delicious hamburger we've ever eaten, and we decided to have a pig out today.    Not just the cheeseburger, but the chocolate milkshake and the garlic fries!  Oh, we are bad!  But oh, it was good!

Later, we quickly came home, did our duty with the animals, putting on high boots and sloshing around in the mud to feed them.  Decided to go to a movie. (we actually plan to catch up on movie watching when we're in Ca., as it generally rains part of the time we're always here, plus we aren't scheduled very much).   Anyway, we saw "Non-Stop" with Liam Neesam.   Oh good grief, this movie is SO bad!
We decided they need to do an Airplane 3 take off of it!   Made absolutely no sense, was just laughable.  The couple who walked out with us were trying to tie it together, seriously, and I really wanted to tell them, "people, this movie is just not logical, forget it!".  I didn't, I answered their question.  Which of course, brought up another, because it was completely improbable!

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