Monday, April 14, 2014

Where are we? 4-13-14


Well, another travel adventure.  Our plane got delayed in Traverse City because of mechanical problems.  This meant we missed our connection to JFK and had to be rerouted through Amsterdam. Pat was quite anxious about our seating, as we lost very good seats.  It all ended up good for us as a party of 15 was delayed going to Amsterdam and missed their connection, so we had plenty of empty seats. We actually had an empty seat between us.  We then got an exit row to Barcelona, so it all worked out fine.

We did get here, none the worse, but it got pretty frustrating in Traverse City.


Our apartment in Barcelona is great, very roomy and clean. And we think a very good location.  We are resting this afternoon, then we will go out for a bite to eat and some exploring.

It is warm here, and very pleasant!   We keep saying this reminds us in Prague in some ways because there is so much color and design everywhere, everywhere!   The architecture is amazing.   We haven't figured out the eating yet, as the Spanish people eat a late lunch, and then have a snack, like tapas, and then eat dinner at 9 at night!   No way! Many restaurants close down during the break, or change their prices.  

We rested, walked around, ate some tapas that were o.k., not great.  Came back and rested again, and went out walking again!   Went to The Ramblas, which is a boulevard surrounded by food and craft booths on each side.
Everyone just walks up and down the boulevard.  There is also a wondeful, huge market on the way, La Boqueria--FANTASTIC!   I've never seen a more colorful market.

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