Wednesday, April 16, 2014

How to eat in Barcelona

now how people here are thin and have their teeth is a mystery to me.   Here is how the "locals" eat, according to a guide........
They start with a light breakfast, which consists of a cup of good strong coffee and a pastry, verified by the number of bakeries merely outside our door.  ( and delicious, light flaky pastries)....
Next, is the pre-lunch snack, consisting of a filled roll, a "bocadillo" and a "cava"' which is white sparkling wine...
Next, lunch, which is , I believe, a actual meal.  The suggestion is a seafood dish with rice , or paella, another rice dish, more starches.
Then, afternoon tea, which is a chocolate pastry, or gelato, or ice cream.
Then, a tapas dinner, which is various, many, many various food combinations.

And, then, if you happen to be awake at 9:00 at night, dinner!

The tricky part is figuring out when to eat what if you don't want to eat like that, because things close between 1 and 4 and the restaurants change prices.   I have not mastered this yet, seem to be eating the wrong food at the wrong time, and haven't seen a vegetable or fruit as yet.

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