Thursday, April 17, 2014

The continuing of unhealthy eating, or, I am turning into a potato!

O.k., here is how we ate today---so wicked, I will be coming back a blimp!  This is all a typical meal here, by the way, as we are ordering off restaurant menus.s

Breakfast, I wasn't really hungry, so just had a few bites of the bakery items Dan brought back from the next door bakery.  (Not so unusual that it was next door, there are bakeries every 20 feet).  He also brought some freshly squeezed orange juice from there, and he oh so very nicely let me have it all.  I finished it in about 2 seconds flat and my sons will attest to how grossly I can chug something, although they'd never saw me in the heydays of college.

Lunch, after trying to go to this place that Adam recommended, and they actually turned us away, was at a nearby hole in the wall that was the best meal we've had here.  I had something called "bombes", which is a potato mashed with spices and breaded and deep fried, served with aioli and a hot pimento sauce.    Also had a Spanish omelet, which was a cold egg and potato thing with spices.   Excellent lunch, really good.

Dinner, which was late,was paella.   Was supposed to be with chicken, but I saw no chicken, it was mostly rice.   Good,but no protein.   We did, however, ask if they had a salad, and yes, they did!   In many places in Europe, they assemble a beautiful salad, and you put on the oil and vinegar they bring to the table, which was fine with us, as it was good oil and wine vinegar.   Well, the salad was wonderful! Mostly because I am so salad deprived!    Really, mostly because I was deprived.  The tomato tasted like Michigan tomatoes in summer, not because it was that fresh, but yes, it was fresh, but because it's been a while since I've had one.

Got back to the apartment,still a little hungry, and tried one of the leftover pastries I didn't want this morning.  Oh good grief, it was a croissant with chocolate inside of it, but also cream, luscious creamy cream.

I tell ya, though, I just want a good Caesar salad!   

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