Saturday, February 19, 2011

A Love-In

Went to Jay and Lindsey's to babysit, so that they could start packing for their move to their new house.
Enjoyed it immensely, Henry is very sweet.    He loves to go downstairs with me, I had the job of teaching him how to go down stairs, by turning around and sliding feet first.  He is so good, he remembers and he listens.   (an important thing to learn, for a toddler)
They got quite a bit of packing done, then we stayed around for dinner.  I had made some chicken soup, a chicken casserole for them, and we made quesadillas while there.  Jay made the quesadillas, Lindsey and I helped, she made salad and no pudge brownies (quite good, I must say) and Dan played with Henry.  O.K., bragging time--Henry is 19 months old, and recognizes his letters, or most of them.  We are quite impressed!

It was a jolly day by the end, with us all being a bit goofy--or, rather, the adults.

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