Sunday, February 27, 2011

Pat takes a photo class and Henry gets an Ikea oven

First of all, IPhotos from class really need to talk about the weather.  o.k., it is not ideal, it is cool, sometimes rainy and cool sometimes rainy, windy and cool.   But today was nice.  very sunny.  Yes cool.  In the 40's.  I spend this time saying this because the forecast had been for SNOW.  and, of course, there was none.  But not to discourage the local news, they had about 1/2 hour broadcast on the weather, that being snow, even though there was none, except on elevated spots.  Coming from Northern Michigan, I dont' WANT to see any snow, but the Bay area residents are mightily disappointed.  Oh well, that is how it goes.

I took a photography class today that I had bought through  It was actually fun.  it could have been more instructive, though if the photographer, John Ater, actually critiques my Picassa folder, it would be worthwhile.   Here is a link to my gallery
He stressed composition in the first half, and texture in the second half.  We met at the Ferry Building on Farmers Market day, so there was so much to take pictures of, with the food and the colors, etc.   It was a fun class, here is the link to my pictures, as yet , unedited.     I was thinking in my head of two themes-colors of the food and the signs.
I then took the Bart to Oakland, where Dan picked me up.   ( I love the Bart, though I had a little bit of difficulty buying the ticket---I also found it disconcerting that there was only one staircase down to all of the trains leaving from my station, since I have been in NYC recently, which has a maze of stations and levels and staircases for all their lines.
Dan picked me up, an we got to Jay and Lindsey's, and hung out with them and Henry.  we had bought Henry a toy kitchen from Ikea for Xmas, and we finally assembled it.  Or rather, Dan did while the rest of us entertained Henry.  Henry's not benn in a great mood lately--he may not feel well as he has a cold that has lasted for weeks that we have all caught, or, he's reaching the terrible two's a bit early.  So, he's a bit cranky and stubborn, with a constantly running nose.  Yes, if he weren't your grandchild, you would not rush to him at this moment, but of course, he is, and I do.   Anyway, he loved this little kitchen, and made dinner for all of us on it---he was dancing up and down with excitement! 
We then left and came home to our doggy ward, Duffy, who, at 17 years old, actually plays.  He plays "chase" which is rather hilarious as he is about 4 lbs. and 9 inches in length.

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