Sunday, March 13, 2011

Disasters and Songs

I woke up to Jay coming down to my room, saying "quick, we have to evacuate ------the earthquake and tsunami in Japan is going to hit San Francisco in 30 minutes!" 
"wha" i say, not quite getting it in my dazed state . Wasn't the earthquake in Japan? Yes, he said, but it's hitting Hawaii now and is heading this way. It apparently can gain strength as it travels, at 500 miles an hour. 
Lindsey is running around getting the disaster preparation kit for Henry---diapers, "o's", a fruit snack, and a toy airplane. I take my computer and my kindle! We watch it on t.v. for a minute, it says San Francisco doesn't need to evacuate, but should be "prepared".
Anyway, we evacuate. We go to Oakland, off the Island of Alameda where they live, to go out to breakfast.
And a good breakfast it was, and of course, we did not need to evacuate so we started laughing about that.  We thought it was interesting what we took with us, in our state of emergency.
 Later, i see an email from United Airlines, for me to check in. Oh dear, it's Friday. The email says my flight leaves SATURDAY, NOT SUNDAY!!!!!!!!! I am stunned and chagrinned, Saturday is moving day! I call the airlines, but alas, I cannot change it. They are able to make other arrangements, with Ken, Lindsey's father, and her Aunt Rae. I feel terrible, I feel like I really let them down, and I'm not ready to leave them yet, I want to see them through the move. But I can do nothing about it. Lindsey is so, so sweet, she hugs me and tells me she's not angry, and that I shouldn't feel badly, I helped them out so much. I love them all so much, that was so nice.   Jay too reassures me, how caring they both are.
 So, we went out to dinner, then after they packed a bit, Jay took me to the hotel to spend the night there. I gave Henry his bath, changed him into his jammies, combed his hair, gave him lots of hugs and kisses, told him I loved him. He gave me kisses back, told me he loved me, "gamma." I sing "The Wheels on the Bus" over and over and over and over, and he  says "moe peese" , "moe peese".
He now helps me sing it, especially when the baby goes "waa waa waa". He  smiles and look at me and smiles broader. He then asks for "In a Cottage in the Woods" and loves to do the "Help me, Help Me, Help" he cried.

We found a download of "Wheels" as a phone ring, and Lindsey suggested Jay use that ring for me, so Henry always hears it when I call! 
He knows all of his letters and some of his numbers. No matter where he is, he will run up to signs or anything to point out the letters. He tries to sing the Alphabet Song. ok, I know I'm bragging. I just want to remember this!    I teach him to say maybe---"mayme" ---he loves this word, but this is not a word he will ever use, I am sure!    It was always be a decisive "yeah, yeah" or "Nope" or a determined "no. no' with a firm head shake.

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