Thursday, March 3, 2011

Moe Peese

This is a side blog regarding cute Henry-isms, again, mostly for our sake so we can embarrass him when he's older!
1. He always says "moe peese" (more please) when he really likes something and wants it repeated, like when you're reading him a book and he wants it read to him again.
2. He does a "fake smile" on command.  Sadly, I apparently taught him this when I was madly singing "Frere Jacques" to him over and over and he started laughing.  When he gave a fake smile, Dan, Jay, Lindsey and I really laughed, and of course, he hammed it up.    This song came from this website, "Poisson Rouge", or Red Fish, a wonderful French website for small children.
3. He will raise his hands when he sees that something, or someone, has gone.  "Duffy is gone?" with the hands raised in question.   Lindsey thinks all little kids do this, wonders where they get it.

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