Wednesday, March 2, 2011

What do you see in this piece of Toast?

is it the face of Jesus?   No, it is not.  Look again, my Michigan friends, it is the shape of Michigan!  (and yes, a bit burnt)
Just a little morning digression here.

It was a really good day, we are trying to pack a lot in before Dan takes off on Sunday, and I move over to Jay and Lindsey's house.     I went to jazzercize, had a good workout.  Then came home, and I played Mahjongg.   I made a few friends last year, and one of them, Suzan, had me over for lunch and MJ along with 2 of her friends, one of whom I had helped teach last year.  It was very fun.   A nice group of women.
I was losing my concentration by the 3rd game, however, as I had taken a sudafed, plus I'd had a glass of a very nice Viognier.   It wasn't much different than my normal concentration problems, but I fortunately won the first game.

Dan played golf while I played MJ, and he had a nice time too.  Said the course was wet, but he was glad to go out and play.

After I picked him up, we drove out to Point Reyes to take a hike in one of our hiking books.  It was lovely.  It never stops amazing us how beautiful this drive is.  We took Lucas Valley Rd. out there, and the Lucas does indeed stand for George Lucas, whose house, way up in the hills, behind gates, is on this road. The road is magnificant--ess curve after ess curve for a while, with high, rolling green hills in the background, then through a forest with tall Redwoods.  Then, going through the charming, small town of Nicasio, rural and unchanged from years ago.   We drove through Olema, where we hadn't been before, another charming little seaside town.  Drove to Pt. Reyes, near Tomales Bay, to be near the ocean.   The sun was low, as it was late, and it was so still and beautiful.  We just stopped, and listened to the little waterfalls and the birds.  It was very lovely.

On the way back, tried to get a picture of a huge hawk who kept sitting on fence posts, then as we'd try to take his picture, he'd fly to another one.   Got the one of him flying away.    As we left, I saw a steer mounting a cow!   I really wanted to get that shot, but it stopped as soon as it started--poor steer!

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