Friday, May 18, 2012

The Philosophy of a Stairway Walk or Gut Pater's Tag

This morning, we took a walk around Rothenberg OTB, as they say, and it was very charming.   I went up the ramparts to walk around the wall of the city, being very smug because it was said that those over 6' tall could not do it.   Well, it was tall enough for Dan to join me, and he hasn't shrunk. 

We then left Rothenberg OTB and headed for Heidelburg.  We took a side trip to a little town named Weinburn, which was allegedly very charming.   It wasn't particularly, so we went on to Heidelberg.  It is very lovely!   Very crowded, which we found out later was because it is a holiday today---Pater's Tag, or, Father's Day.  We've been gone for both Mutters Tag und Paters Tag!    Had lunch, then searched for a hotel, which we easily found in a wonderful location.  It is the Hotel Hollander Hof.

 We are across from the river, and near the town square, near all the action but not in the middle of it.   Walked around the town a bit.  Dan went to move the car to a closer parking garage, and I decided I had to find the "Philosophers Walk", having a son who teaches philosophy!   Well, he better appreciate me because to get to this walk, one has to go up about 400 stairs!  It wasn't all stairs, some of it was walkways which were easier to walk up than down.   So I got my stairway walk in today, that is for sure!   It was beautiful at the top, you can see the whole river and the whole town, with the castle in the background.  a lovely city.

Caught up with Dan again, relaxed, walked around the town and went to the restaurant next door for dinner, which took forever, even by European standards!    Returned to the room.    Matt, my son the philosopher, is in Paris for a conference, just got there.  He called us in our hotel room, from his in Paris.  It was really fun to talk country to country and in the same time zone since we're all in Europe!

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