Friday, May 4, 2012

musings for today, may 4th

I do have to say that adding to this blog creates a challenge daily as the instructions are all in Polish.  Then, when we try to add a link, it's also in Polish!  But we are perservering.
Here are some  things I like about Krakow:
1.  we can here the continual pleasant sound of horses clip clopping as they are pulling their carriages--we can hear this from our hotel.
2. every bathroom I have used so far, and if you know me, you know that is quite a few,
have been immaculate.
3.There are many young people here, going to Universities in the city.   Maybe this has recently changed, since the fall of Communism and/or the Common Market.  I don't know, but the young people are all over, working in the hotels, the stores, and the restaurants.  Most of them know English, or some.  They are all very, very nice, want to be helpful and really, help the whole face of the city I think.  Many examples--but here is one---we bought some crystal today that we had to mail home ourselves, and in the post office, the clerk did not speak English, but a young woman did who was in front of us.  She helped us translate our request, as well as fill out the form and then mail it.   Very nice, and just wanted to be helpful.


  1. Hi Dan, there are 11 universities in Krakow. Tuition is paid by the government but the students must find their own room and board. So students are all over the place working to pay their expenses.

  2. Hi.
    Got to up in the right corner you can change the language for the instruktions on your blog. I sugest you choose Swedish. :-)
    Keep on blogging.....
    Greetings from Sweden (not so far from Poland)
